(3) AscendEX (Bitmax)
You can directly exchange USDT tokens for xDai coins on AscendEX, formerly known as Bitmax.
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You can directly exchange USDT tokens for xDai coins on AscendEX, formerly known as Bitmax.
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This option ONLY allows users to swap xDai for USDT tokens. Fiat money and other currencies can't be directly exchanged for xDai.
If you don't have any USDT tokens, you can either buy some with fiat money on AscendEX here, or choose another way of getting xDai.
Access the AscendEX website. You can either Log In, in case you already have an account, or Sign Up for one.
After signing up, you'll still need to verify yourself through one of the options given for security reasons, before being able to start buying, selling or trading anything.
Log into your account to get started.
You either already have your USDT tokens there, or you still need to deposit them on AscendEX; if that's the case, follow the tutorial here.
Once all your USDT tokens are already on AscendEX, you can start the process of buying xDai coins with them. First things first, let's get to the right page:
Easily access the buying page via this link.
Choose between a LIMIT ORDER or a MARKET ORDER.
Limit order: You buy at a specific price or better.
Market order: You buy immediately at the best available price on the market.
Click on "Limit".
Enter a price and size of your choice.
Press "BUY xDAI"
Wait for the order to be filled at the price you entered.
Done? There you have it, your own xDai coins!
This process provides a direct channel to the xDai Chain, and better yet, it saves xDai users money on gas, which would usually elevate the cost of transactions.
Almost done! But not quite yet. Now, you need to WITHDRAW your newly acquired xDai to your wallet.
You can check a good video tutorial on how to do that here. To go straight to the point, follow these next few steps:
(1) On AscendEX main page, click on "My Asset". (2) Choose the "Cash Account" from the dropdown. (3) Click on "Withdrawal".
(4) Select the token you want to withdraw (xDai in this case). (5) Fill the requested info correctly. a. Select the Public Chain Type (attention that fees differ based on chains). b. Paste the Withdrawal Address from your wallet into the blank address field. c. Specify the desired amount.
(6) Check everything and and press "Confirm". (7) There may be a SMS verification and Google authentication. Enter the codes and confirm it again. (8) After only a couple of minutes, the xDai will be on your web3 Wallet.
DONE! This time, for real. Purchase and withdrawal completed.